Sunday, October 25, 2009

4 Easy Steps to a Natural Colon Cleanse

Colon cleansing brings big profits for some companies - and with good reason. Colon cleansing works!

It is normal for people to report weight loss, more energy, clearer and healthier skin, and many people even regain lost health. This is not only in recent years. These benefits have been reported by those who cleanse for thousands of years.

You can start getting the benefits of a natural colon cleanse without laxatives right at home. Here are some simple things you can do to get started.

Eat a natural colon cleansing diet. This means setting aside most processed foods and all junk foods for now. I know none of us likes to be restricted, but it is okay to practice discipline in our lives sometimes. So, for now, don't eat fried foods, fast foods, fatty and sugary snacks, white breads, cakes, pies and candies. In fact, try not to eat at any restaurants of fast food places for the next 3 weeks. Instead, start taking charge of your own food.

Focus on eating healthy, wholesome and even organic foods when possible. Organic foods may seem like they cost more, but most of us can make up for this by saving all the money spent on junk foods. And notice the words, "when possible." Don't be too nuts about it - just do what you can.

The main staple of your diet should be vegetables, then fruits followed by lean proteins such as turkey, beef, fish, legumes and beans. Lastly, eat only whole grains instead of those processed and refined with chemicals and no natural nutrition. The whole foods are much healthier and work well with your natural colon cleanse - instead of adding width to your waistline.

Next, drink plenty of fresh spring water. Add a squeeze of lemon or other citrus juice to about half of what you drink. In fact, if you start your day with a glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon juice, then sit for 5-10 minutes - your body will start its natural morning cleansing process. You just "coaxed" it into action with your choice of drink! Be sure to drink at least six to nine glasses of water spread throughout the rest of the day.

Be sure to take a fiber supplement - and I don't mean bran! The usually fiber foods like cereals and breads may cause constipation if your body cannot process or digest it, or if your intestinal or colon muscles are lax. Plus - they don't work the same way as the cleansing fiber found in supplements such as psyllium, crushed flax seeds or apple pectin.

These cleansing fiber supplements are meant for one purpose only - to sweep and clean the intestinal tract. In the process they feed your good intestinal bacteria, absorb dangerous toxins, soften built up waste and may stimulate peristalsis. Enjoy one serving of this type of fiber in a glass of diluted fruit juice once or twice per day, followed by a glass of water. If you don't drink enough water while taking these, you risk getting constipated.

If your body needs help eliminating the excess waste, try herbs that naturally stimulate movement of the intestines and colon without causing a toxic reaction (like what a laxative would do). These include the herbs triphala, cascara sagrada and even slippery elm.

The right herbs help your body balance itself, including certain hormones that help trigger peristalsis (the movement of the intestine). The wrong herbs and pharmaceutical laxatives only cause your body to react to a toxin that causes a release of mostly liquid. This has nothing to do with cleansing.

Other things you can do to aid in your natural colon cleanse include; walking for at least 30 minutes each day, jumping on a rebounder for two to ten minutes a day, drink fresh-made vegetable juice, and using body work such as massages or colon hydrotherapy. Any and all of these can help your body remove toxins, help all of your organs to work so they can detox the way they were meant to and get healthier and feel better in the process.

Get ahead of your new year's resolution, get a jump start on the flu season and get healthy on your natural colon cleanse.

Cindy has been a working Certified Nutritional Counselor for 16 years. Learn what the pro's know in her new ebook, The Manual for Cleansing and Detoxification, the only complete and direct cleansing manual you can buy.

bowtrol colon cleanse

colon cleansing and weight loss

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