Monday, January 11, 2010

The Downside of iTunes MP3 Players

iTunes mp3 players are a wonderful addition to someone's electronic device stash, but they will only play a certain authorized musical format, and if a person has anything other than an iPod, they may be out of luck in using the music they purchased.

What can a person do if they have bought these forms of music for their computer, but have something other than an iPod for a portable mp3 player? Answers are available if one only takes the time to look and not get too frustrated with Apple.

Many may ask why their itunes mp3 players need to say iPod in order for them to work with music they have purchased. iTunes are protected because of the DRM or Digital Rights Management.

This group was created to ensure that musical piracy was hopefully stopped. The only problem with this is that when a person purchases iTunes for their computer and tries to transfer to a player brand other than an iPod the transfer fails. Many people do not realize this is an issue until it is too late.

Although these players are limited to just iPods, ways do exist to get around this road block. An easy method is to burn the tracks onto a CD.

Then an individual can open the CD in iTunes and the Convert Selection to MP3 option will allow a person to do whatever they wish with the music. What must be remembered is that when burning the CD, a person should burn an audio CD and not a data CD.

A data CD can keep a person from importing tracks from the CD. The only problem with this method is that a person will have two copies of their tracks. But, if one is persistent, then they can be assured that their efforts to make their itunes mp3 players compatible will not go wasted.

However difficult this may seem to convert itunes mp3 players music to use in any portable mp3 players system another way does exist to ensure that a person can listen to their purchased music without the use of an iPod.

Software exists to help one who has a huge amount of music on their computer to convert. Types of software such as NoteBurner or CD Emulator can help. Another brand of software is JHymn, and it can help a person to make sure their fair-use rights under copyright laws will help free the iTunes that a person has from the restrictions of the DRM.

The apple ipod ones are a great asset to have for the itunes mp3 players that they operate with. However, a person who has anything other than an iPod can be out of luck in a hurry.

If one is not aware of what they are doing, itunes can be purchased with the intent of transforming them onto a portable mp3 player. But, this is not the case, and one can spend a ton of money on something they cannot use in the future if they do not do through research.

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